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  • IntNSA USA Chapter Call for Board Nominations; Deadline 1-October

IntNSA USA Chapter Call for Board Nominations; Deadline 1-October

  • 1 Oct 2024
  • submit your nomination before the 1-October deadline

IntNSA USA Chapter
Call for Board Nominations
Nomination Deadline: October 1

Terms begin January 1, 2025

The USA Chapter of the International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA) is seeking nominations for the following Board positions:

  • President Elect - 4 year term; 2 as President Elect; 2 as President
  • Treasurer - 2 year term
  • Secretary - 2 year term
  • Director (4 vacancies) - 2 year term
Submit your Nomination


Officer Qualifications: Any regular (Nurse) member in good standing is eligible for nomination and election to President elect, providing said member has been elected by the membership and has served on the board of directors at some point in the past, for at least one (1) year, prior to nomination. In addition, any board member in good standing is eligible for nomination and election to the office of secretary or treasurer. They need to have demonstrated they have been a good citizen to the society as demonstrated by participation in activities such as volunteering on the educational conference committee or other committees. Prior experience on the board is required.

Director Qualifications: Any regular (Nurse)  member in good standing is eligible for nomination and election as Director.


President Elect: The president elect shall be elected and serve one (1) two year-term and will automatically succeed to one (1) two-year term as president. The presidentelect, in the absence of the president, shall exercise the powers of the president. The president elect shall perform such duties as may be assigned by the president. These duties shall be such as to allow the president elect to acquire a thorough understanding of the business of IntNSA USA and the duties of the office of the president.

President: The president shall serve one (1) two-year term as the chief executive officer of the society and shall in general supervise and control the affairs of the society. The president shall preside at all meetings of the board of directors. The president shall also serve as a member with the right to vote on all committees except the nominating committee and shall make all required appointments of ad hoc committees. The president may sign with the secretary, treasurer or any proper officer of the society authorized by the board of directors, any deeds, mortgages, contracts or other instruments which the board of directors has authorized to be executed, except in cases where the signing and execution thereof shall be expressly designated by the agent of the society and shall perform such other duties as are necessary and incident to the office of president or as may be prescribed by the board of directors.

Secretary: The secretary will be eligible for two (2) consecutive two-year terms. The secretary shall keep an accurate record of the meetings of the board of directors and the annual business meeting and shall provide the minutes of the last official annual business meeting for approval of the membership. The secretary shall preserve records, documents and correspondence as directed by the board of directors and assure that they are properly archived, shall cause notice to be given of all meetings of the board of directors and shall perform all other duties incident of the office of secretary as assigned by the board of directors.

Treasurer: The treasurer will be eligible for two (2) consecutive two-year terms. The treasurer shall be chair of the finance committee. The treasurer shall be the custodian of the society’s funds. This person shall ensure that all monies designated for IntNSA USA are appropriately deposited. In accordance with the budget adopted by the board of directors, this person shall approve distribution of the funds of the society. At least once a year the treasurer shall provide an accurate accounting of all transactions and the budget for the next fiscal year.

Directors: Directors shall attend and participate in board meetings, provide direction and guidance to the President and officers, uphold the mission and values of the Chapter and perform duties as assigned by the President.

Key Dates & Information

  • 1-October: Deadline for submitting your nomination
  • 15-October: Voting opens
  • 1-November: Voting closes
  • 4-November: Election notification and announcement
  • 1-January-2025: Positions begin
  • View the IntNSA USA Chapter web page
  • View the IntNSA USA Chapter Bylaws (pdf)

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International Nurses Society on Addictions (IntNSA)
3416 Primm Lane
Birmingham, Alabama 35216

Office Hours: 8:30 am–5:00 pm CT, Monday–Friday

Our mission

To advance excellence in nursing care for the prevention and treatment of addictions for diverse populations across all practice setting through advocacy, collaboration, education, research and policy development.

Our vision

To be a global leader in addictions nursing.

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